Skladen um in telo lahko pomagata ponovno vzpostaviti osebni center v trenutkih »pritiska« (kompleksnosti, konflikta, stresa): s tem si človek povrne zmožnost uzreti »celo sliko« in širše potenciale. Pristop na tej delavnici bo ‘learning by doing’ (po metodologiji Leadership Embodiment), v ozračju sproščenosti in lahkotnosti. Udeleženci bodo pridobili orodja, ki so takoj prenosljiva v delovno in osebno okolje. Pridite in povabite še kolege/prijatelje! Srečanje bo v angleščini, s šepetanim prevodom po potrebi.
Maud Raber je francoska coachinja somatskega razvoja, ki mednarodno dela z vodji, podjetniki, moderatorji, coachi in mediatorji; s ciljem, da jim pomaga vzpostaviti stik s telesom in intuicijo, zato da v polnosti razvijejo svoje potenciale za večji učinek in prispevek svetu.
Čas in lokacija (POZOR – sprememba!!!): 18.30 – 21.30, lokacija Mladi zmaji Zalog- Zaloška 220, Ljubljana. Vstopnine ni.
More information about the workshop:
In this highly experiential evening, we will practice an emergent mix of :
- gentle (individual, pair and larger group) somatic exercices of medium to subtle physical intensity to create more awareness and choice around our habitual embodied patterns for dealing with critical facilitation challenges, and experiment playfully through the body with alternative ways of being in the body (posture, breath, muscle tone, orientation of awareness) that open more creative possibilities for us facilitators/leaders
- embodied group inquiry, circle generative conversations and individual journaling to learn from peers and integrate our experience into applications in our own professional (and life !) context.
Come (and invite colleagues, clients and friends) if you’d like to :
- Deepen your awareness of your facilitator posture, its strengths and challenges in and through the body, in a secure and fun learning environment
- Learn a few easy, robust tools and practices you can directly embed into your facilitation context in order to host with impact and ease, being your authentic self.
How to make the best of this workshop:
Although no particular preparation is required, we can tailor-make the workshop to the most burning questions you hold on how to integrate your body and mind further to support your facilitation work and posture. So please share them with us by March 25th. Maud will do her best to integrate them in our workshop’s design.
Some practical infos :
To make your experience more comfortable and your learnings richer, please come with comfortable clothes (casual to business casual) suitable for gentle movement, and flat shoes (heels are not recommended).
Maud Raber is a French somatic developmental coach, Art of Hosting and systemic constellations facilitator living in Austria. She works internationally with leaders, entrepreneurs, facilitators, coaches and mediators to help them tap into their body’s intelligence and intuition in order to connect to their fuller potential and make a more meaningful and impactful contribution in the world, authentically.
She has years of experience in training facilitators, coaches and mediators internationally to enhance their professional posture through somatic skills (Formapart Certifying Facilitators’ Programme – France, Embodied Facilitator Course – Russia, SNCF Mediators’ team – France, Integral Practitioners’ Convergence – Germany, Alixio Coaching Consultancy – France), with a focus on specific challenges of the helping professions, e.g. : nurturing one’s integrity, energy and tapping into wider ressources to work more sustainably, working with high emotional intensity, enhancing one’s intuition and creativity in complex client situations, …).